Financial Assistance is provided for basic living needs. It is to provide Temporary financial assistance to those who will make a conscientious effort to find a permanent solution to their financial problems.


Clients must be residents of Fairfield County, Ohio and the assistance is only primarily for basic living needs.


This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Mortgage
  • Utilities
  • Food
  • Rent
  • Electric
  • Propane



  • Proof of dependency- Marriage certificate and birth certificates of minor children.
  • If working - Income statement, check stubs for the last 30 days.
  • Proof of length and character of service- DD214 or discharge. Must be discharged under Honorable conditions and served on active duty for other than training   purposes
  • If unemployed - You must be registered with Ohio Job & Family Services and proof that you are  seeking employment.
  • If disabled - You must have disability statement from doctor, or Social Security.
  • If retired- Social Security and /or pension statements.
  • You must declare all assets - Current bank statements, checking, savings, CD’s etc.
  • Proof of basic monthly living expenses.
  • Payment requests -  bills to be submitted, rent (bring rental contract), mortgage, etc.   (All bills must be past due)
  • While it is required that the bills are past due, do not wait until they are shut off; we do not pay re-connect fees.


Applicants may apply for financial assistance up to three (3) times in a 12-month period; Veteran Service Commissioners will not grant exceptions.


Applicants approved for financial assistance for two (2) continuous calendar years will not be eligible for financial assistance for one (1) calendar year as the assistance is not meant to be a supplement to applicant’s income.


Applications for financial assistance cannot be accepted less than six commission meetings from the meeting date of the most recent application.


Fairfield County
Veteran Service Office

3044 Columbus-Lancaster Rd.
Lancaster, Ohio 43130 (map)
P: 740-652-7920
F: 740-689-6203

Office Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm

Commission Board
Meeting are held:
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Monthly at 3:00pm

Ohio Department of
Veterans Services

Advisory Committee on
Women Veterans

77 South High Street; 7th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
P: 614-752-8941
F: 614-728-9498

Helpful Resources:
Ohio Department of Veterans Services (ODVS)

VA Benefits Fact Sheets